B1264-For sale land plot in Kampos, Zaharo ,8000 sq.m .Is buildable ,fenced , levelness , with drilling , has 50 m facade , 140 olive trees .In the land ,there is a detached house of 75 sq.m ,having 2 bedrooms , 1 bath . Zacharo-Ileia-Peloponnese
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
  • Land Plot
    8000 m2
    0 Bedrooms
    0 Baths
  • Sale
    Status: New
    Year Built: 0
B1264-For sale land plot in Kampos, Zaharo ,8000 sq.m .Is buildable ,fenced , levelness , with drilling , has 50 m facade , 140 olive trees .In the land ,there is a detached house of 75 sq.m ,having 2 bedrooms , 1 bath .
 General Amenities
    [Facade : Not in City Plan : View : Water supply : Walkup ]

 Energy Efficiency:

Location Map
Image Gallery
Address: KAMPOS
Neighbourhood: Zacharo
Municipality/District: Ileia
Main region: Peloponnese
Zip Code: 111111
+30 210 7710150
+30 6945 05 12 23
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