B1202-For sale detached house in Livadi,Kithira ,50 sqft on a land of 750 sqft .Is built in 2000 , comprises of 2 bedrooms ,1 bath ,has A/C ,double windows ,garden ,open parking lot .Is 1500 m away from the sea ,2000 m from the city . Kithira-Rest of Piraeus-Piraeus
Image Image Image
  • Detached Houses
    50 m2
    2 Bedrooms
    1 Baths
  • Sale
    Status: New
    Year Built: 2000
B1202-For sale detached house in Livadi,Kithira ,50 sqft on a land of 750 sqft .Is built in 2000 , comprises of 2 bedrooms ,1 bath ,has A/C ,double windows ,garden ,open parking lot .Is 1500 m away from the sea ,2000 m from the city .
 General Amenities
    [Walkup : Αγορές/Restaurants : View : Ventilation/Air Conditioning : Privileged : Included in City Plan : Garden : Facade : Balcony/Deck]

 Energy Efficiency:

Location Map
Image Gallery
Neighbourhood: Kithira
Municipality/District: Rest of Piraeus
Main region: Piraeus
Zip Code: 111111
+30 210 7710150
+30 6945 05 12 23
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