B389-1 - Ekali, Athens, Privileged detached house, stunning view, swimming pool, elevator, pool, garage security cameras and a lot more... Ekali-Northern Suburbs-Athens
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
  • Detached Houses
    480 m2
    3 Bedrooms
    2 Baths
  • Rent
    3,500€ EUR
    Status: New
    Year Built: 2009
B389-1 - Ekali, Athens, Privileged detached house, stunning view, swimming pool, elevator, pool, garage security cameras and a lot more...
 General Amenities
    [Security Door : Privileged : Pool : Playroom : Newly Built : Fireplace : Balcony/Deck : Autonomous Heating : Alarm : Furnished]

 Energy Efficiency:

Location Map
Image Gallery
Neighbourhood: Ekali
Municipality/District: Northern Suburbs
Main region: Athens
Zip Code: 111111
From: n/a
To: n/a
+30 210 7710150
+30 6945 05 12 23
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